//Test Code //psiBlockPage("Processing..."); //setTimeout(function () { // psiBlockPage("This is normal.", "Info"); // setTimeout(function () { // psiBlockPage("Should look into this.", "Warn"); // setTimeout(function () { // psiBlockPage("This is bad.", "Error"); // setTimeout(function () { // psiUnBlockPage(); // }, 3000); // }, 3000); // }, 3000); //}, 3000) //Type: Process (default), Info, Warn, Error //DisplayTime: -1 = No Timeout, null= Default of 4000, DisplayTime = Timeout in ms. var PopCallback; var PoptimeoutHandle; var jqdivPopMess; function PopMessage(Message, Type, DisplayTime, CallBackPop) { PopCallback = CallBackPop; if (isEmpty(Message)) { $.unblockUI(); return; } if (isEmpty(jqdivPopMess)) { $(document.body).append("
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